First thing is to have the final accounting . . .
send it to me - Jean O'Connell
Never allow secrecy between family members if you want to keep your family whole. Family member one hires an lawyer one to represent the whole family. Lawyer one hides. Family member two hires a lawyer to represent the whole family because he/she doesn't know there is a lawyer one. Lawyer one comes out of hiding. Presto, one family has two lawyers. Lawyer one choses to represent only family member one. Lawyer two choses to,or is forced to, represent only family member two.
There has to be a problem that causes a family to hiring a lawyer. o justify hiring a lawyer. A family with two lawyers suggests a family conflict. The problem here is, for one, the CPA would not provide the final estate accounting for our Dad who died in 1975. Secrecy between family members is fatal.