"Putting Accotink in the control of Jean Nader is putting Accotink in the control of the accountants".
Anthony OConnell to B&K (Sarah Hall), July 14, 2012 at 3:44 PM
Anthony OConnell ~anthonymineroconnelI@gmail.com~ Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 3:44 PM
To: "Sarah E. Hall" <shall@bklawva.com>
Cc: Sheila OConnell <sheilamail4@gmail.~omA~m, y Johnson <natron36@hotmail.com>, Jean Nader
<jeansfinedining@hotmail.com>, Anthony OConnell ~anthonymineroconnelI@gmail.com"~James E. Tierney"
~moulinavent@maine.rr.comTammy Tierney <fins2theleft@maine.rr.com>, Pierre Shevenell
Ms. Sarah Hall, of the law firm of Blankingship and Keith,
I apologize for the delay in responding to your letters of May 25, 2012, and May 31, 2012; 1 had a medical
problem Thank you for your email address.
Please look at my websites http//www.alexandriavirginrala15acres.com and http//www.canweconnectthedots.com and decide whether you want B&K to support the accountants or the law. If the accounting at Bk467p191 in the public record were exposed, it would show that our sister Jean Nader is being used by the accountant's to make money disappear, and that there is no end in sight. Our family is innocent no matter, how much the accountants make it appear otherwise. Can B&K enforce the law and have the accounting trails behind Bk467p191 actually be exposed? Would you please explain to Jean Nader some of the ways we have been set up?
I saw the only possible way to sell Accotink without our family being put through another round of conflict and confusion and have our money disappear behind it, was to not pay the real estate taxes on Accotink so Accotink
would be sold for back taxes; but someone paid enough of the taxes to stop that.
Anthony O'Connell, Trustee
Anthony OConnell ~anthonymineroconnelI@gma~l.com~ Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 6:44 PM
To: "Sarah E. Hall" <shall@bklawva.com>
Cc: Sheila OConnell <sheilamail4@gmail.com>, Amy Johnson <natron36@hotmail.com>, Jean Nader
<jeansfinedining@hotmail.com>, Anthony OConnell ~anthonymineroconnelI@gmail.com~"J, ames E. Tierney"
~moulinavent@maine.rr.comT~a, mmy Tierney <fins2theleft@maine.rr.com>, Pierre Shevenell
Dear Sarah E. Hall,
I am very impressed that you provide your email address; it provides
transparency and accountability. It's been my experience that it is
seldom done. I am also impressed by your background (http//www. blankingshipandkeith.com/ bk.cgim? template=attorney&employee_i4d =l)
The three beneficiarie of the Virginia Land Trust for Accotink, Jean
Nader, Sheila O'Connell, and Anthony O'Connell, are, or are about, 70,
72, and 74 years old, and we are all in poor health It is probable
that the proceeds of Accotink would go to the next generation, and
,that is the reason I sent copies of my email to you of July 14, to
those of that generation that I have email addresses for:
Sheila OConnell <she1larnail4@gma1cl owl>, beneficiary
Amy Johnson <natrarr36@ha"rmail.c01n>, daughter of Jean Nader
Jean Nader <jeansf~nedining@ho"rmail.~om>b,e neficiary
Anthony OConnell <anthurrytm~neroeunrrell@gmail corn>, beneficiary and trustee
James E. Tierney" <moul~navent@rrrmrr corrr>, son of Sheila O'Connell
Tammy Tierney <flns2theleftO,rr1t3irr~ir r cum>, daughter In law of Sheila O'Connell
Pierre Shevenell <p~erresl.revenell@yahua.cot~ih>u sband of Sheila O'Connell
Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony O'Connell, Trustee for Accotink,
http://www. alexandriavirginial5acres.com
Anthony OConnell to B&K (Sarah Hall) July17, 2012 at 10:23 AM
To: "Sarah E. Hall" <shall@bklawva.com>
Cc: Amy Johnson <natron36@hotmail.com>, Anthony OConnell ~anthonymineroconnelI@gmail.com~"J, ames E.Tierney" ~moulinavent@maine.rr.comJ~e,a n Nader <jeansfinedining@hotmail.com>, Pierre Shevenell
,<pierreshevenell@yahoo.com>, richard patnaude ~richard.patnaude@optum.comS~h, eila OConnell
<sheilamail4@gmail.com>, Tammy Tierney <fins2theleft@maine.rr.com>, Andrew O'Connell-Shevenell
Dear Sarah E. Hall,
I wonder if you wonder whether Jean Nader might have intentionally mislead you into believing that I have done little to try to sell Accotink, when it has become obvious that that is not true. Jean Nader would not intentionally mislead you; she trusts what the accountant's tell her to a degree that is beyond believing. She will do what the accountants tell her to do. I believe you would be astounded. She is innocent.
If your staff studied http://www.canweconnectthedots.com , would they see that the accountants manipulated our mother into putting Jean in control? Putting Accotink in the control of Jean Nader is putting Accotink in the control of the accountants.
I pray that you would use your power and prestige, and most of all your willingness to be transparent and
accountable, to ask B&K to try to expose Bk467p191. The path to exposure would show most all that is needed. If this is not possible in the situation that we find ourselves in now, I don't believe it ever will be exposed. B&K would be giving the real estate industry of Virginia, the legal profession of Virginia, and the people of the country a huge gift.
Comment: (The remainder of this email is omitted. The remainder is under the headings "Example", "Takeover", and "Accotink". Please see the pdf.
Anthony OConnell ~anthonymineroconnelI@gmail.com~
To: "Sarah E. Hall" <shall@bklawva.com>
Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 5:39 PM
Dear Sarah E. Hall,
Are you going to respond to my messages to you?
Thank you
Anthony O'Connell, Trustee
B&K (Sarah Hall) to Anthony OConnell, July 25, 2012 at 2:20 PM
Mr. O'Connell:
While we had earlier received formal confirnmation of your receipt of my letter of May 25, 2012, it was good to
hear directly from you that you had received it.
In your emails you mention a number of issues regarding the respective estates and trusts of your parents and
the title to the property in the 1992 Land Trust, and you provided a link to a website on which you raise more
questions. We believe these issues were rnooted some time ago by findings of the Commissioner of Accounts
and the Circuit Court of Fairfax County.
We were sorry to hear of your recent illness. In light of your ill health and the great distance that you live
from the Virginia property, it would seem appropriate-and certainly understandable- for you to resign as
Trustee of the I992 Land Trust.
Best regards,
Sharon Hall
Comment: Not identifying the issues blocks addressing the issues.
Anthony OConnell to B&K (Sarah Hall) April 17, 2014 at 2:55 pm
Dear Sarah Hall
Please send me the documents I requested, and any related documents, by email attachment. That way there should be no misunderstanding of what was sent.
Do you know why the Buyer (Edwin W. Lynch, Jr. and Andy Somerville(?) will not communicate with me? Do you know why my sisters, Jean Nader and Sheila O'Connell will not communicate with me. Why the secrecy?
Why does the Buyer apparently believe that your client Jean Nader has the legal capacity to contract for the 1992 trust property Why does B&K believe it.
Please show the document trail from the 1992 deed at bk8307p1446 to where Jean Nader would become "Successor Trustee" with the legal capacity to contract.
Does B&K recognize the deed at bk8307p1446? Please give a "yes" or a "no". If "no" please explain why.
Thank you.
Anthony OConnell, Trustee until proven otherwise.